上周六回家瞄了一眼Codeforces,发现15分钟后有一场比赛,不过我等级不够只能参加Round #233 div 2。半小时内把A和B给做了。然后…然后…C还没搞定,Codeforces就跪了,而且是长跪不起。(最后的结果是整个服务器倒退到三周前的备份,于是我还重新注册了个账号,#233 div 2的题目貌似也不见了?!)
A题 浏览器翻页界面的模拟
program cf_233_A;var n,p,k,h,r,now:integer;begin readln(n,p,k); h:=p-k; if h<1 then h:=1; r:=p+k; if r>n then r:=n; if h>1 then write('<<'); for now:=h to r do begin if now=1 then if now=p then write('(',p,')') else write(now) else if now=p then write(' (',p,')') else write(' ',now); end; if r>');end.
B题 按要求塞球,不过找找规律就知道其实是二进制转十进制…
program cf_233_B;var s:array[0..60] of integer; n,i:longint; str:string; two,ans:int64;function check:boolean;var i:integer;begin for i:=1 to n do if s[i]=2 then exit(false); exit(true);end;begin readln(n); readln(str); for i:=1 to n do if str[i]='R' then s[i]:=0 else s[i]:=1; two:=1;ans:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin if s[i]=1 then ans:=ans+two; two:=two*2; end; writeln(ans);end.
mr442 潜望镜 模拟即可 话说注意坐标和m、n的关系,我就因为这个搞反调了20min
program mr442;const dy:array[1..4] of integer=(0,1,0,-1); dx:array[1..4] of integer=(-1,0,1,0);var m,n,i,j,t:integer; a:array[0..1001,0..1001] of char;procedure solve(x,y,direct:integer);begin repeat if a[x,y]='*' then begin x:=x+dx[direct]; y:=y+dy[direct]; end; if a[x,y]='/' then begin if direct=1 then direct:=2 else if direct=2 then direct:=1 else if direct=3 then direct:=4 else if direct=4 then direct:=3; x:=x+dx[direct];y:=y+dy[direct]; end; if a[x,y]='\' then begin if direct=1 then direct:=4 else if direct=2 then direct:=3 else if direct=3 then direct:=2 else if direct=4 then direct:=1; x:=x+dx[direct];y:=y+dy[direct]; end; until not (a[x,y] in ['/','*','\']); if x=0 then writeln(y); if x=n+1 then writeln(m+y); if y=0 then writeln(2*m+x); if y=m+1 then writeln(2*m+n+x);end;begin assign(input,'mr442.in4');reset(input); assign(output,'mr442.ou4');rewrite(output); readln(n,m); t:=n;n:=m;m:=t; for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do read(a[i,j]); readln; end; for i:=1 to m do solve(1,i,3); for i:=1 to m do solve(n,i,1); for i:=1 to n do solve(i,1,2); for i:=1 to n do solve(i,m,4); close(input);close(output);end.
mr443 Anna取数 看上去难道是博弈论?我勒个擦最后是打表…
program mr443;var f:array[1..1000000] of boolean; n,i,t,min,max:longint;procedure solve(x:longint);var t:integer;begin min:=10;max:=0; while x>0 do begin t:=x mod 10; if t>max then max:=t; if (t0) then min:=t; x:=x div 10; end;end;procedure process;var i:longint;begin for i:=1 to 9 do f[i]:=true; for i:=10 to 1000000 do begin solve(i); f[i]:=not (f[i-max] and f[i-min]); end;end;begin assign(input,'mr443.in4');reset(input); assign(output,'mr443.ou4');rewrite(output); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),false); process; readln(n); for i:=1 to n do begin readln(t); if f[t]=true then writeln('YES') else writeln('NO'); end; close(input);close(output);end.
mr444 筷子 有点逗的题目,我都想到排序了怎么会没想到动归呢!话说看到什么差的平方和最小脑子偏到逆序对去了- =
program mr444;var n,k,i,j:integer; f:array[0..101,0..51] of integer; ll:array[0..101] of integer;function min(x,y:integer):integer;begin if xmid do dec(j); if i<=j then begin temp:=ll[i];ll[i]:=ll[j];ll[j]:=temp; inc(i);dec(j); end; until i>j; if i l then qsort(l,j);end;begin assign(input,'mr444.in0');reset(input); assign(output,'mr444.ou0');rewrite(output); readln(n,k); if n<2*(k+3) then begin writeln('-1'); close(input);close(output); halt; end; for i:=1 to n do read(ll[i]); qsort(1,n); k:=k+3; for i:=2 to n do for j:=1 to min(i div 2,k) do begin f[i,j]:=f[i-2,j-1]+sqr(ll[i]-ll[i-1]); if (j*2<=i-1) and (f[i,j]>f[i-1,j]) then f[i,j]:=f[i-1,j]; end; writeln(f[n,k]); close(input);close(output);end.
mr445 饲料槽 这个倒是被我一眼看出动归了,手推了一下还是一维的!话说后来翻了翻貌似在usaco精选里也有这个?我是按区间右端排序的,上课讲的是从后往前推的,其实没太大差别。
program mr445;var f:array[0..80001] of longint; ql,qr:array[0..5001] of longint; b,n,i,t:longint;procedure qsort(l,r:integer);var mid,i,j,temp:longint;begin i:=l;j:=r;mid:=qr[(i+j) div 2]; repeat while qr[i]mid do dec(j); if i<=j then begin temp:=qr[i];qr[i]:=qr[j];qr[j]:=temp; temp:=ql[i];ql[i]:=ql[j];ql[j]:=temp; inc(i);dec(j); end; until i>j; if i l then qsort(l,j);end;begin assign(input,'mr445.in5');reset(input); assign(output,'mr445.ou5');rewrite(output); fillchar(f,sizeof(f),$80); f[0]:=0; readln(b); n:=0; for i:=1 to b do begin readln(ql[i],qr[i]); if qr[i]>n then n:=qr[i]; end; qsort(1,b); t:=1; for i:=1 to n do begin f[i]:=f[i-1]; while qr[t]=i do begin if f[ql[t]-1]+i-ql[t]+1>f[i] then f[i]:=f[ql[t]-1]+i-ql[t]+1; inc(t); end; end; writeln(f[n]); close(input);close(output);end.